01 August 2006

Healdsburg Wines

Last November and December, I blogged about three wines that I got from my father. He'd recieved a sampler case from Healdsburg, California, and passed along a few to me. To recap, the wines reviewed were as follows, with pricing that was absent from the initial posting:

2004 Duxinaro Chardonnay $10
2003 Mama Mia Zinfandel $25
2002 Avenue Cabernet Sauvignon $35 (I'm really proud of that article, by the way)

Recently, I got an e-mail from Christie Love, who works in sales for these wines. Here's her contact info. And just to recap, I'd highly recommend all three of these wines, especially teh Avenue Cabernet Sauvignon.

Christie Love
The Wine Shop
331 Healdsburg Ave.
Healdsburg, CA 95448-4105
707-485-7073 (Direct dial)

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